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make up the difference中文是什么意思

用"make up the difference"造句"make up the difference"怎么读"make up the difference" in a sentence


  • 弥补差额


  • B : if you could find one - half of your funding , i will provide the rest / make up the difference
  • B : if you could find one - half of your funding , i will provide the rest / make up the difference
  • In particular , if instead of increasing , the output of anshan iron and steel company falls short by two or three thousand tons a day , others will be unable to make up the difference
  • A securities firm shall mark to market on a daily basis the ratio of collateral value to customer debt in each lending account ; when that ratio is below the prescribed percentage , it shall immediately notify the customer to make up the difference by a deadline with collateral of the types prescribed in the preceding paragraph
用"make up the difference"造句  


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